The ONE THING that was added to each networker’s weekly routine that generated such astounding increases.
THE EFFICIENCY FACTOR: What is it? How to measure it? Why you NEED it?
The SHOCKING TRUTH behind using “Warm Market”, “Social Media”, “Paid Ads/Sales Funnels” as your main recruiting methods, and why they may be RUINING YOUR RESULTS.
The single most duplicatable sales PROCESS to teach your team.
Real Results! – Real Fast! - Achieved by Real People (not a bunch of ‘super stars’).
Best of all, these astounding increases in productivity happened so quickly that everyone who took part in this breakthrough experiment was floored by the impressive numbers they racked up in such a short time.
In this experiment, we took 48 people who had varying degrees of experience in our profession. Then, we added just one key element to their overall weekly recruiting process. By including this one important strategy, it multiplied their results by 428%.